
3 Reasons To Contact Texas Wild Hog Control

It is a common sight to drive around Texas and see fields cratered with holes up to five feet wide and three feet deep. You might also notice that the roots below large oak trees shading a creek are dug out and exposed. Grass has been trampled into paths, and tree saplings crowd out other …


Is Good HVAC Important in the Bathroom?

Bathrooms have been a critical feature in homes since indoor plumbing became commonplace in the 1940s. Half baths contain a toilet and vanity, while full baths have a sink, toilet, bathtub, and shower. Some bathrooms only have a shower or bathtub, and master bathrooms may have two sinks. In addition to the plumbing features, bathrooms …


3 Types of Common Roofing Materials

Most homeowners don’t find a roofing project the most exciting of home improvement projects, but it’s eventually necessary. A new roof keeps your home protected from leaks and water damage while keeping you comfortable indoors. It also adds curb appeal and helps increase the value of your property. There are several types of roofing materials …

Real Estate

The Ins and Outs of Flipping Houses

Flipping houses offers a fantastic path to greater wealth for real estate investors of all backgrounds and across local marketplaces. The property market offers a few unique angles for investors, and perhaps the most exciting segment of the space is the flipping opportunity. Placed on a longer timeline, flipping properties acts in a manner that’s …


How To Pay for Your Home Improvement Projects

Your home is an investment. That’s why home improvement projects are worth every penny! They can increase the value of your home and help you maximize resale price. For a lot of people, their home is their biggest asset. While the prospect of making upgrades seems great, paying for certain home renovations can put a …


Tips and Tricks To Lose More Weight Faster

Well, we’re ending January and entering February, meaning it’s the time of the year when New Year’s resolutions begin dropping like the ball at Times Square at 11:59 p.m. And if you’re like most people in the United States, somewhere near the top of your list was a resolution to lose weight or get in …


4 Home Updates You May Not Have Thought About Before

Spending more time at home has made a lot of people start to rethink their interior design. One of the biggest perks of owning your home is the ability to customize and renovate it as much as you want to, without having to seek approval from a landlord or property manager. However, it can be …


A Week in Atlanta on a $55,000 Salary

Welcome to Spending Notes, where we do a weekly deep dive into how our readers spend their cash. Today: A professional mover who makes $55,000 per year Occupation: Mover Age: 31 Location: Atlanta, GA Salary: $55,000 Day 1 Unlike traditional 9 to 5 office jobs, my experience as a professional mover means working weird hours …


Home Repairs That You Should Have Fixed Immediately

You just bought a new house, or you’re currently in the market to buy a home. Unless your home is entirely turnkey ready, then it’s highly likely that some sort of housing repairs are in order. When it comes to home repairs, there are some that can wait and others that simply can’t. Continue reading …