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Home Lifestyle

How to Tell When It’s Time for Home Improvements

Remodeling your home is something all homeowners have to face at one time or another. While it does cost quite a bit, it doesn’t have to be a major headache if you look for the signs that you need home improvements and take care of them as they come along, one at a time. Whether …

Beauty Fashion Lifestyle

How to Stage Your Own Boudoir Shoot

A boudoir shoot is a great way to show off your body and boost your self-confidence. A set of tastefully steamy photos can make a perfect gift for your loved one or even for yourself. Whether you want to highlight your curves and swerves, or you’re getting ready to give your partner an unforgettable photobook, …

Beauty Family Fashion Lifestyle

A Gift-Giving Guide for Holiday Season

With the holiday season upon us, people are in full swing trying to find the perfect gifts for friends, family, and loved ones. This year, after an unconventional series of events, it might be time to step back and assess the kind of gifts you want to both give and receive. Sticking with the classics, …

Family Lifestyle

What to Pack for Winter Vacations

Whether you love the winter or can’t stand the bitter cold, traveling in the wintertime can be fun and a little bit different from the other seasons of the year. From business travel to family obligations and from vacation to the holidays, a lot of traveling is done in the winter months, so you need …

Family Home Lifestyle

Simple Gift Ideas That Your Family Will Truly Appreciate

The festive season is nearly here, so it’s a good time to start searching for the perfect gift for every family member. If you have a hard time coming up with unique gift ideas, you’ve probably been putting this off. If you’re waiting until Christmas Eve to get your gifts, you can’t be surprised if …

Family Lifestyle

Tips For Planning A Big Texas Birthday Party!

Everybody has heard the phrase “everything’s bigger in Texas”, and parties are no exception. In the Lone Star State, going over the top is a way of life, and what better time to go all out than for a birthday party? Let’s be honest, Texans expect the biggest and the best in every facet of …

Home Lifestyle

5 Ways to Keep Your Sanity During Quarantine

We’re all feeling it — the last bit of sanity we’ve managed to retain throughout this COVID-19 quarantine is slowly unraveling and it’s so fragile that if you pull that thread, everything falls apart. Maintaining our sanity right now is tough when we’re told to stay at home as much as possible, limit our interactions …

Home Lifestyle

Need to Fix Up an Old Garage? Here’s How to Do It Cheap

Since the first automobiles were manufactured in the late 1800s, vehicles have significantly impacted how people travel and live. Initially, it was common to store cars in detached garages in the back of a person’s property. Attached garages were introduced in the 1920s, and they’ve had a significant impact on home design in the decades that …